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"Oops... Something is wrong! ;;val;; should be next to ;;badVal;;"

"Almost there, but some values are misplaced."


Fill in the missing numbers between 1 and the largest so that consecutive numbers touch.
For example 4 must be next to both 3 and 5.
1 and the largest number are enclosed in a circle.

The next number is displayed in the box below the puzzle.
Click on an empty tile to place there the next number.
To remove a number you've placed simply click on it.
To advance the next number use the buttons at its left and right or click on a given.
You can also change the next number with the keyboard.
Click on the botton below the next number to make it advance forward or backwards.

*** Hidato Badges Earned xxxx ****


Congratulations, you've solved the puzzle correctly.

Your score is xxxx

Your time is hh:mm:ss

*** Hidato Badges Earned xxxx ****


Congratulations, you've solved the puzzle correctly.

Your score is xxxx

Your time is hh:mm:ss

*** Hidato Badges Earned xxxx ****


Congratulations, you've solved the puzzle correctly.

Your score is xxxx

Your time is hh:mm:ss

For higher score try to place all numbers in their correct

places, avoid using the 'Check' and 'Reset' buttons.

*** Hidato Badges Earned xxxx ****


Congratulations, you've solved the puzzle correctly.

Your score is xxxx

Your time is hh:mm:ss

For higher score try to place all numbers in their

correct places, avoid using the 'Check' and 'Reset'
